Green Schools is Irelands leading environmental management and award programme, working with secondary schools across the country.
Green Schools is a student-led programme, where students promote long-term and whole-school action for their environment, with involvement of the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of “An Taisce” and supported by Clare and Tipperary County Council.

Student-Led Green Schools "Energy" Committee
1. Heads of Green Schools Energy
· Oversee committee actions and coordinate activities.
· Liaise with Green Schools Coordinator/s to keep her/him updated.
· Run Green Schools meetings with the Green Schools Coordinator/s
· Link with Green School Co-Ordinator's Mr. Hayes and Ms. O'Farrelly to ensure curriculum links are made.
· Work closely with the Head of Green Schools
· Keep action plan up to date and ensure up to date version is on green schools
· Create an agenda for meetings
· Record and circulate minutes of the Committee meetings.
· Work closely with the Head of Green Schools
2. Green Code / Action Day Leadership team
· Create a song, rap, poem or slogan for the Energy theme.
· A competition could be held within the school.
· Create a video / digital poster / poster of the Green School Code.
· Display this code on the notice board, web or elsewhere
· Organise Action Day
3. Green Schools notice board leadership team
· Design a creative theme for the notice board.
· Display Committee names and photos.
· Update the notice board regularly to display survey results, recent events and news.
· Use a ‘fact or image of the week’ system to get other pupils thinking about the environment
4. Digital and Social Media Leadership team:
· Look at preparing social media posts on Green Schools Instagram page
· Develop a Green Schools section on school web page
· Add links to short videos, posts about the Committee’s progress
5. Energy Appliance Leadership team:
· Complete Appliance Checklist - attached
· Calculate the energy usage of each of the appliances in the school
· Target appliances using most energy and develop awareness campaigns to reduce the energy consumption of these items
· Involve other students – create awareness days
6. Energy Heating Auditor Leadership team:
· Develop questionnaire and survey – see attachment
· Obtain waste collection data from contractor – look at quantity of waste of heating - link with Analytics team here
· Conduct audit of school heating system – See Resources Section Energy for details.
· Map and monitor the wastage in Heating black spot areas
· Target areas using most energy and develop awareness campaigns to reduce the energy consumption which form part of Action Plan.
· Analyse time of day this occurs?
· Involve other students, school management and teachers.
7. Energy Analytics Leadership team:
· Analysis of surveys and audits by other teams
· Presenting findings of surveys / audits to Green Schools committee
· Prepare material for green school notice board