Incoming First Year Information 2022/2023
We are looking forward to welcoming all our new First Year Students this coming September. Please watch our presentation 'First Year Students 2022- Next Steps' for more information about attending St. Anne's.
Below, please find below the subject option and friends form for you to complete.
Please note: Deadline for submission of the form is Friday 8th April.
End of Year Schedule St. Anne’s Community College 2021 - Please click on the link below for information about the end of year schedule for all year groups.

Useful links and presentations for parents and students when using Microsoft Office 365 and Teams
Teams Presentation for Parents and Students - Powerpoint
Distance learning with Microsoft 365 Guidance for parents and guardians
Useful links to help with Office 365
It is so important that we all take care of our Wellbeing at this time. You will find a number of useful links here to help you and your child to take care of yourselves. As always our Pastoral Care Team are in hands to help in whatever way we can and you can contact the Chaplain or the Career Guidance teachers and anytime and they will help in whatever way they can, and if they can’t they will definitely find someone who can.